Ran 1985[fulL mOVie]

Release : 1985-06-01
Rating : 8.1/10 by 649 users
Runtime : 160 min.
Companies : Nippon Herald Films
Country : Japan, France
Genre : Action, Drama, History
Stars : Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryû, Mieko Harada, Yoshiko Miyazaki
Overview : With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa reimagines Shakespeare's King Lear as a singular historical epic set in sixteenth-century Japan. Majestic in scope, the film is Kurosawa's late-life masterpiece, a profound examination of the folly of war and the crumbling of one family under the weight of betrayal, greed, and the insatiable thirst for power.

Ran Official Trailer 1985
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